We are Solustrid
With Innovations
Connecting all the industries and making a bridge among all in this revolutionary era of industrialization and development with our years of experience
Innovation, Service, Certification, Production, Development are the most exclusive words nowadays and combining all of them with the years of experience of serving and building, we Solustrid stands. Our one and only goal is to support the world economy by providing the best of services to you because we believe “The World Is You”.
Years Experience
Industries Served
Factories Built

We are Solustrid
About Industry
Industry is what is sitting on the driving sit of the current world economy. We “Solustrid” are here to support that economy through that driver and we proudly want to say that we have succeeded with so many ups and downs for the past 25 years with the family we built with the love of our customers. And we hope to continue doing that for years to come and make our family bigger than ever.
- Leading industrial solutions with best machinery
- Years of experience and Learning
- Experienced specialist researchers.
- Reputed for maintaining Schedule
- Latest of the Equipments
- Committed for the safety of the customers
Daniel Ricardo

We are Solustrid
For Industries
Solustrid provide the best of services and is the bridge among all the industrial services and manufacturing industries.
Производство Комплектующих
Наша компания изготавливается различные комплектующие и запчасти для трубопроводной арматуры, а также для присоединения ее к трубопроводам высокого и среднего давления
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Механическая обработка
Высококвалифицированные мастера осуществят точную фрезерную обработку на мощном оборудовании. Детали изготовляются как по образцу заказчика, так и по предоставленным чертежам.
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Твердосплавное HVOF напыление
Высокоскоростное газотермическое напыление – один из методов газопламенного нанесения защитного твердосплавного покрытия на элементы трубопроводной армаутры
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We always bring good quality services with 100% safety measuresF
We are Solustrid
Recent Projects

Технологии напыления термобарьерных покрытий на лопатки турбин
Параллельно с развитием авиационных ГТД началось применение турбин в промышленности и на транспорте. ГТ применяются для привода нагнетателей природного газа в составе ГПА на компрессорных станциях магистральных газопроводов, для привода агрегатов закачки природного газа в подземные хранилища, привода насосов, технологических компрессоров, воздуходувок на предприятиях нефтяной, нефтеперерабатывающей, химической промышленности. ГТД используются в составе газотурбинных электростанций ГТЭС […]
We are Solustrid
Client’s Reviews

In the hardest of the times when I started my automobile industry I had the chance to be a part of Solustrid family and I can say that that really was a best decision. More specifically I am amazed by their schedule maintenance. Awesome!!!
James Shane Well
California, USA

If you are looking for someone to help you out with your new industrial business, I recommend Solustrid to you and believe me, they will satisfy you to the most
James Shane Well
California, USA

There guidance is awesome, support is awesome and I think they have the best researchers who has solution for every problems. The efficiency and maintenance is remarkable and I was too astonished to see execution of my every plan for my industry.
James Shane Well
California, USA
We are Solustrid